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#EAPM - EU biểu tình xung quanh #WHO khi Trump rút phích cắm


Được phát hành


Chúng tôi sử dụng đăng ký của bạn để cung cấp nội dung theo những cách bạn đã đồng ý và để cải thiện sự hiểu biết của chúng tôi về bạn. Bạn có thể bỏ theo dõi bất cứ lúc nào.

Greetings, and welcome to June already! Some of you, of course, had 1 June off - so here’s hoping you made the most of the long weekend, writes European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) Executive Director  Denis Horgan.

Before anything else, here’s another quick reminder about our upcoming presidency conference, scheduled for the end of June. Registration is open, and you can get on board by clicking tại đây.

Hội nghị ảo là một 'sự kiện cầu nối' giữa Croatia hiện tại và sắp tới Đức EU Presidenctôi và sẽ được tổ chức trực tuyến, vào ngày 30 tháng XNUMX.

quyền Duy trì niềm tin của công chúng vào use of Digital Health for health science in a Covid and post-Covid world, chủ đề cũng vậy.  

Mặc dù chúng tôi không thể gặp mặt trực tiếp, nhưng những sự kiện như thế này vẫn cho phép sự tập hợp của các chuyên gia hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực y học cá nhân hóa được thu hút từ các nhóm bệnh nhân, người trả tiền, chuyên gia chăm sóc sức khỏe cộng với ngành, khoa học, học thuật và nghiên cứu những người đại diện.

Vai trò quan trọng của bất kỳ hội nghị EAPM nào là tập hợp các chuyên gia để thống nhất các chính sách bằng sự đồng thuận và đưa các kết luận của chúng tôi vào chính sách makers. And this time, we go even further into the realm of expertise, given the huge crisis that we are all facing.  To get an overview of the issues that will be discussed, please see our recent academic publication entitled ‘Propelling Health Care into the Twenties’ bằng cách nhấp chuột tại đây. 

Hãy tham gia với chúng tôi nếu bạn có thể!

quảng cáo

WHO dunnit?

Out in the wider world, there’s plenty of hot, hot, hot news from the US, as ever. Aside from riots, broken curfews and frightening coronavirus numbers, President Donald Trump appears to be making good on his threat to disconnect with the World Health Organization (WHO).

How much of this is a blame game and diversionary tactic with a massive crisis in his own backyard, an imploding economy and an election coming up, we’ll leave up to you to figure out, dear reader.

But either way the Trump decision to withdraw from the WHO has come under scrutiny from EU leaders who have asked the US to reconsider.

Trump withdrew a few days ago from the United Nations health agency, which he has accused of helping Beijing cover up the coronavirus outbreak.

Nói Chủ tịch Ủy ban châu Âu Ursula von der Leyen và EU's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell trong một tuyên bố chung: "As the world continues to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, the main task for everyone is to save lives and contain and mitigate this pandemic.

"In the face of this global threat, now is the time for enhanced co-operation and common solutions. Actions that weaken international results must be avoided. In this context, we urge the US to reconsider its announced decision,họ thêm vào.

và German Health Minister Jens Spahn described the US move as a “đáng thất vọngsetback for global health efforts.

According to von der Leyen and Borrell, EU is committed to a review of the international response to the crisis, which will include WHO'hành động của bạn. 

In the meantime, they made it clear the Brussels view that the WHO needs to continue being able to lead the international response to pandemics, current and future. The message is that Trump is clearly not helping and that the timing could scarcely be worse.

Germany presidency and medical devices

We mentioned the upcoming Germany EU Presidency a little earlier, and the country’s medical device association BVMed has tại xuất bản nó ý tưởng cho Berlin’s six-month stint at the helm.

BVMed says “Infection prevention must become a permanent health policy priority in the future and should also be a key topic on the agenda of the German EU Council Presidency,”  and added it hopes the topic remains on the Ủy ban châu Âu's agenda “beyond the crisis and the duration of the German EU Council presidency".

The association made clear it believes that It's important for the EU mua sắm "nguồn lực đầy đủ” - not leastpersonal protective equipment and other medical devices - in order “to maintain and permanently guarantee high hygiene standards and effective protection against infection in medical facilities".  

Look out for the full presidency programme mid month.

Parliament focus on health systems 

The European Parliament is still busy and some MEPs have said in a statement to von der Leyen and her Ủy viên y tế Stella Kyriakides, rằng COVID-19 crisis has shown “gaping holes” in European health care systems, not to mention “weaknesses in the EU's capacity to act". 

The deputies have spoken out against export restrictions on medicines and protective gear between EU member states and also urge the Commission to hãy xem joint procurement of therapeutics and vaccines when they become available.

They add: “If we want to maintain the valued achievements of decades of European integration and the 'Europe of values....we can no longer accept the very limited role of the EU in managing fundamental threats to the health of European citizens.

More EU in health? Phó chủ tịch ủy ban Margaritis Schinas is certainly strongly rumoured to favour it. Now, there’s a thought…

Cash for COVID

Meanwhile, the Berlaymont’s pledge for its Coronavirus Global Response has raised 9.8 tỷ đến nay, and von der Leyen tuần trước thông báo rằng khối sẽ hình thành quan hệ đối tác with Global Citizen, mà là một worldwide anti-poverty movement based in New York.

The plan is to bring about chiến dịch's phase two, Được gọi là Global Goal: Unite For Our Future

Quay trở lại Quốc hộiCủa nó, ủy ban môi trường có debated an own-initiative report concerning medicinesshortages, with the consensus reached that the current crisis has hardly helped matters.

Dẫn Báo cáo viênNathalie Colin-Oesterlé cho biết tình hình đã chỉ ra rằng "public health has become a geostrategic weapon that can really bring a continent to its knees", và muốn the EU to "react without any delay".

The situation is fluid, with some MEPs planning amendments.

Around and about

Tin tức từ Hà Lan là Medical Care Minister Martin van Rijn sẽ be resigning vào đầu tháng XNUMX 

"Now that the corona crisis is moving into the next phase, it is logical that my temporary ministership will also come to an end,” he wrote trên Twitter. 

"I will continue to work hard with all the fantastic people in the care sector to fight this crisis as well as possible,” he added.

Van Rijn had only taken over from Bruno Bruins in March after sau này từ bỏ do exhaustion.

In Áo, đất nước health ministry has rejected allegations it did not forward alerts through the EU's Early Warning and Response System to local authorities in Tyrol.

This was claimed in parts of the Austrian media. 

Người phát ngôn của Bộ went on record to say việc này "all international information relevant for the work of the contact person management of the Tyrolean authoritieswas passed on to the Chính quyền. 

"Trong tháng ba,” the spokesman added, “it became apparent that the coronavirus had spread strongly in many winter sports areas around the world with varying intensity,” and flagged việc này từ 3-14 March a total of 21 reports from Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Norway and the Netherlands with concrete data and information had been sent to the Tyrolean health authorities.

In Italy, meanwhile, the deputy minister of health, Pierpaolo Sileri, has been put under police escort, theobáo Cộng hòađể bảo vệ thêm. 

follows threats on his life kết nối to corruption attempts xung quanh the disbursement of public funds hướng tới sự bùng phát coronavirus. "The higher you climb, the more the wind blows,he báo cáo nói.

Finally, for this update, in Nước pháp các Bộ trưởng Y tế Olivier Véran đã hỏi đất nước của anh ấy National Authority for Health to work on new recommendations for the controversial anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine.

T follows a report in the Dao mổ concerning the drug's effectiveness and risks, but the move has been panned byformer Health Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy. The latter claims các Dao mổ study “doesn’t convince me”. Or Donald Trump, by all accounts.

Catch up soon! And here is that link to register for our conference on June 30th by clicking tại đây!

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