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# LeadersAgenda: Tusk đưa ra cách tiếp cận mới để giải quyết các vấn đề nặng nề nhất của châu Âu


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Chúng tôi sử dụng đăng ký của bạn để cung cấp nội dung theo những cách bạn đã đồng ý và để cải thiện sự hiểu biết của chúng tôi về bạn. Bạn có thể bỏ theo dõi bất cứ lúc nào.

In an effort to re-energise the EU, President of the European Council, Donald Tusk announced a new ‘Leaders’ Agenda’. The new approach - based on extensive one-to-one discussions with Europe’s heads of government - aims to rescue the EU from bureaucratic inertia and entrenched political interests. Writes Catherine Feore.

Over the last ten years the EU has lurched from one crisis to another. The strain of the financial crisis, austerity and the huge inflow of refugees and migrants has left citizens and politicians rattled. The rejection of far-right politicians and signs of real improvements in the EU’s economy have given some grounds for optimism, but the EU-27 know there is no room for complacency.

Heads of government have had Brexit added to their ‘challenges’ as if they didn’t have enough to deal with, but in a sense Brexit was a wake-up call. If Europe does not deal with its issues and provide more visible benefits to citizens it is in danger.

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The EU-27 have decided not to get hung up on arcane matters and focus on the big issues that need solutions: Eurozone reform, migration, internal security and the future of the EU. It can also intervene where there is deadlock. One senior diplomat gave the example of lesser duty and anti-dumping rules that were stuck for three years before an agreement was reached.

The Digital Single Market ambitions will also benefit. Jean-Claude Juncker pointed out at the start of the Council that the European Commission had proposed 40 initiatives, 24 legislative process in this area and only six had been fully adopted.

Tusk outlined three principles that underline his approach. Firstly, the agenda will focus on issues that have an impact on EU citizen’s real problems. Secondly, while speed, ambition and determination are needed, some issues will need further preparation before debate. Thirdly, the aim will to be act with unity but not be used for an excuse for stagnation. Tusk also said that ambition cannot lead to divisions.

The Leaders’ Agenda takes us from today to the European elections in 2019. Discussions will be organised on the basis of decision notes. The notes will report differences and precisely describe the scope of conflict allowing a political discussion, with the aim of breaking deadlock.

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