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Alexander Adamescu bị dẫn độ tới #Romanania


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Chúng tôi sử dụng đăng ký của bạn để cung cấp nội dung theo những cách bạn đã đồng ý và để cải thiện sự hiểu biết của chúng tôi về bạn. Bạn có thể bỏ theo dõi bất cứ lúc nào.

A London court cai trị on Friday, 13 April, that wealthy businessman Alexander Adamescu could finally be extradited to Romania, where he faces trial for bribery charges. Less than a month after the Westminster Court arrested him for forging documents meant to show that the penitentiary system in Romania is not up to par with human rights guidelines, British judges ordered that extradition procedures be initiated and completed within 17 days. Adamescu was also ordered to pay £31,000 in court fees.

A dual German and Romanian citizen, Adamescu has managed to evade the Romanian authorities since 2016. In May of that same year, Romania’s National Anti-corruption Department (DNA) issued a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) to prosecute him alongside his father, business tycoon Dan Adamescu, for bribing two judges. The younger Adamescu was subsequently arrested on 13 Tháng Sáu 2016 in London. Instead of prison time, Adamescu managed to get out on bail but had to wear an ankle bracelet and had to call in to a local police station three times a week.

In order to delay his extradition, he has since tiến hành an elaborate media war in Romania and the UK that has employed much of the press in order to portray himself as an innocent playwright. Adamescu’s defence centred around allegations levied against the Romanian state, by arguing that his case is fabricated by the authorities for political reasons.

Yet Adamescu has also contended that conditions in Romanian prisons are inhumane, asserting that his father died in prison in January 2017 as a result while serving a sentence for corruption. However, contrary to Adamescu’s statement, Romanian media reported extensively that Dan Adamescu had actually died in a bệnh viện tư after suffering for years from several illnesses unrelated to his imprisonment.

Nevertheless, Alexander Adamescu submitted a document to the London court earlier this year to back up his accusations against Romania’s penitentiary system. The document was supposedly issued by a state agency, the Romanian National Administration of Penitentiaries (ANP). But in a surprise twist, the UK authorities xác định the document to be forged, which led to Adamescu’s preventive bắt giữ on 2 March by London police.

A subsequent request to reinstate bail was shot down on 23 March as his từ chối any role in the forgery was considered unconvincing by the court. He continues to be held in Wandsworth Penitentiary and will remain there until his extradition is finalised.

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According to Romanian reports, this wasn’t the first time that Adamescu used forged documents in international judicial proceedings. The businessman was found to have trình bày an international tribunal in Washington DC with a backdated “power of attorney” note that he sought to attest his importance as a witness in an international arbitration trial where he’s facing off with the Romanian state.

Adamescu shot to fame in the UK after his cause was picked up by pro-Brexit factions. His efforts to prevent extradition have been amplified by leading Brexit figures, including Jacob Rees-Mogg cũng như Steven Woolfe. They eagerly embraced the opportunity to undermine the legitimacy of the EAW by painting it as a tool for politically-motivated prosecution in the European Union.

Given Adamescu’s history of stalling extradition procedures, it is likely that his lawyers will formally object to the court’s decision. Nonetheless, considering that he is now facing a clear deadline of 17 days for the first time in two years, it seems like time is quickly running out.

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