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virus coronavirus

Coronavirus: EU tài trợ thêm 41 triệu euro quỹ nhân đạo để chống lại đại dịch


Được phát hành


Chúng tôi sử dụng đăng ký của bạn để cung cấp nội dung theo những cách bạn đã đồng ý và để cải thiện sự hiểu biết của chúng tôi về bạn. Bạn có thể bỏ theo dõi bất cứ lúc nào.

The EU will provide €41 million to help low- and middle-income countries facing an unprecedented health, humanitarian and socio-economic crisis due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic as well as the imbalance observed in vaccine delivery. To help countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Asia cope with the consequences of the pandemic, the EU has allocated €31m, among other things, for health assistance in favor of vulnerable populations, to support the management of COVID-19 cases and to strengthen the resilience of local health systems in the perspective of subsequent resurgence of the virus.

In addition, €10m are allocated to help the United Nations International Children's Relief Fund (UNICEF) to provide vaccines for children within the framework of the COVAX humanitarian reserve. Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič said: “The EU is playing a leading role in the multilateral fight against the coronavirus pandemic, in different ways: Team Europe is one of the main contributors to the COVAX mechanism, that ensures that no country is left behind. Through the European Vaccine Sharing Mechanism, tens of thousands of doses of vaccine are delivered every week to those in need in low- and middle-income countries. The funding announced today will help address the immediate repercussions of COVID-19, including for vulnerable communities such as Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and indigenous people in Latin America."

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