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Phản ứng của #Coronavirus: Chính sách liên kết tiếp tục hỗ trợ sự phục hồi của Ý


Được phát hành


Chúng tôi sử dụng đăng ký của bạn để cung cấp nội dung theo những cách bạn đã đồng ý và để cải thiện sự hiểu biết của chúng tôi về bạn. Bạn có thể bỏ theo dõi bất cứ lúc nào.

The European Commission has approved the modification of Tuscany's Operational Programme in Italy, redirecting €154.7 million from the Quỹ Phát triển khu vực châu Âu towards coronavirus-related measures. Of this amount, €10m will be used to strengthen the health sector, €141m to support SMEs and €3.7m for digitalization in schools. In addition, the EU co-financing rate will be increased to 100%.

This will help beneficiaries of the funding to overcome liquidity scarcity in the implementation of their projects. Cohesion and Reforms Commissioner Elisa Ferreira (hình) said: “As one of the most affected countries by coronavirus in Europe, I am glad to see that Italian regions are more and more taking advantage of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative. It shows the comprehensive approach we need to respond effectively to people's needs in such hard times: from health to economy as well as education, in line with our motto not to leave anyone behind.”

Tuscany has been among the first regions in Italy to benefit from cohesion policy flexibility, now exceptionally possible thanks the Sáng kiến ​​đầu tư ứng phó với coronavirus (CRII).

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